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Pop Culture, Writing

Love Will Tear Us Apart: My Podcast on Famous Couples


Holy crap I have a new podcast, y’all. It’s called Love Will Tear Us Apart.

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been captivated by dramatic love stories.

When I first read F. Scott Fitzgerald in high school, I became obsessed with the complicated relationship between the author and his wife, Zelda, and how their relationship problems fueled their work.

At 14, I remember seeing Stevie Nicks on Vh1, singing her heart out to her former lover, Lindsey Buckingham. The song was “Silver Springs,” a Rumors-era b-side that found chart success in 1997 when Fleetwood Mac reunited for The Dance. That performance was the beginning of yearslong research into the decades-old soap opera that is Fleetwood Mac. I remember buying every Fleetwood Mac album I could find, carefully listening to Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham’s lyrics and then running to the Internet to read other people’s interpretations of their songs. (I still do this…shhhh.)

To this day I still gravitate towards the personal (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture, Writing

Photos my Grandfather Took During WWII

My beloved grandmother passed away recently, and my mother and I have been going through old photos. We rediscovered photos my grandfather took while stationed in Africa during WWII. Here are some of my favorites.

*As far as I can tell, these were all taken by my grandfather. I’ve tried to verify the accuracy of the photos as best I can. These photos were snapped with my iPhone, hence the added fuzziness.

This is my grandfather Carl. He was an airplane mechanic in the Army Air Forces during the North African Campaign of WWII. During the war, he had a pet monkey named Jocko, he was stabbed and he contracted malaria. Those were the only things he shared with my mother. He died in 1974, before I was born.

This is him with one of his favorite planes, 1943. (Possibly a B-25?) *I* wonder why it was his favorite…?

Here he is in the beginning of the war with some of his Army mates.

Here’s another. Grandpa is in the lower left corner. 1945.

Army mate working on an A-20. (I think (more…)

Pop Culture

Why I’ll Never Share My #MeToo Story

During the height of the #MeToo movement, I came really close to sharing a story that could have potentially changed my life in ways I wasn’t ready for.

I had been contacted by the media, and I had two drafts of my story sitting on my laptop. Between the calls and the daily stories of Hollywood men being taken down, my anxiety was through the roof.

While I was and still am overjoyed to see this day of reckoning upon us, and to see all the brave women and men coming forward with their distressing #MeToo stories, long lost feelings of smallness from a time I had chosen to forget came rushing back.

#MeToo was forcing me to think about something I had purposely left in the past.

In the months after the New York Times outed Harvey Weinstein as a sexual predator, I’d wake up each morning with a pit in my stomach, thinking about my own Hollywood sexual misconduct story and if I needed to say something. Every day my finger hovered over the publish button — I didn’t want to share my story with (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture, Thirty-something

Why More Millennials Should Invest in Cryptocurrency

First, let me get this out of the way: I’m not a financial advisor. I’m just a gal who started investing in cryptocurrency and has learned a thing or two.

In early 2017, when cryptocurrency began taking off, I decided to take the plunge. I got in when the values were already somewhat high but before they got redonkulously high.

Because of my investment early on, I’ve made a nice profit in six months that I’m really proud of.

Why am I proud?

Because I am not a money person.

It was only a couple years ago that I was able to start saving for my retirement. However, I don’t know squat about stocks and I have no large assets besides two X-files Barbie dolls and more pillows than any human could possibly need.

When I decided to start investing in cryptocurrency I told myself three things:
1.) Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose 
2.) Understand that the bubble could burst tomorrow 
3.) Don’t get all weird and sell your two X-files Barbie dolls and blankets to (more…)

Austin, Pop Culture

How to Help People Affected by Harvey: An Updated List

I’m currently hundreds of miles away from my adopted home state of Texas. It feels weird. I feel helpless. However, I also know there is not much I can do right now other than donate money.

You might be feeling the same way too–helpless. And you may be wondering the best way to donate your time or money to those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Since there are so many links being shared around on social media, I decided to compile a list. I’ll be updating throughout the coming days.

P.S. You may be itching to donate your physical being now, like I am, but this will be a long recovery. Remember: Our services will be needed weeks or months down the road when the threat has passed. 


-Mayor Adler has updated the list of needs for evacuees which includes toys for kiddos. Read about it here.

Houston Food Bank is accepting volunteers for the next weeks and months.

Habitat for Humanity Houston has volunteer opportunities available over the next few months.

Sign (more…)

Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture

35 Ways to Find Happiness From Someone Totally Unqualified

Follow these easy tips and you’ll have your shit together in no time.

I’m not an expert on anything, except for maybe naps (they’re really, really good for you), but because I’m a Writer on Medium, I’m actually an expert on everything and today I’m going to share with you 35 foolproof ways to find happiness.

  1. Stop being depressed, first and foremost.
  2. Stop dating bartenders.
  3. If you are a bartender, stop being one.
  4. Stop buying recycled toilet paper. (This is more so to make your butt happy.)
  5. Stop looking at your phone all of the time.
  6. Stop perusing the Internet all of the time.
  7. Stop comparing yourself to others.
  8. JUST.
  9. STOP.
  11. OK?
  12. Take a nap.
  13. Polish off a bottle of red and take a five-hour nap.
  14. Polish off a bottle of red and put Purple Rain on the record player.
  15. Wait, don’t. When you realize you can’t dance or sing like Prince, you’ll fall into deep funk. (Trust me.)
  16. Those $45 crystals aren’t going to work. Buy the $5 crystals. (more…)
Hipstercrite Life, Pop Culture

Why I Can’t Focus on Anything But the Fight

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, I’ve had difficulty finding words.

Words are my job, but when I sit down to my computer, all I want to write is FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK over and over.

In fact, I do write FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK over and over, but then I delete it, and I stare at an empty computer screen.

Right now nothing feels as important to me than writing about what is currently happening in America, and even then, I cannot construct a sentence that adequately conveys my anger and fear.

Every morning I have to fight the urge to not throw away my work — I’m a freelance copywriter who also has a blog and is working on a book proposal and screenplay — to become a professional activist. I’m only grounded when I remind myself that I need to make money in order to survive.

Many of my friends in writing and film have said the same thing: Making art not pertaining to what is going (more…)

Austin, Pop Culture

Want to adopt a furry friend? Let Zappos pay your adoption fee.

If you need a short break from the depressing news, here is a picture of my cat & her T-Rex arms. #LifeofFatFace #feralcatsofinstagram

Sponsored by Zappos

Friends, I usually don’t do sponsored content, but a partnership opportunity from a socially conscious brand that I’m a fan of came my way, and I was excited to get involved!

As some of you know, I love me some animals. This year I took in a feral kitty, FatFace, and she has absolutely changed my life. Like, I’m a total nutjob who has created a friggin’ hashtag for her.

If you too are looking for a pet to go ga-ga over and create a hashtag for, Zappos is doing this really cool thing where they’re sharing adoptable pets AND paying the adoption fee at their ”Friends with Benefits”  Road Show on January 27th-January 29th at 1327 S. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78704. So far Zappos has covered over 11,000 adoption fees across the country! (In addition to pet adoption, there will be food, music, giveaways and MANY, MANY SHOES at their event.)

Check out which pets are adoptable from their partners at Austin Animal Center and Austin Pets Alive!

And make sure (more…)

Austin, Pop Culture

Small businesses you should support this holiday season

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances that are crafty and creative, and I wanted to share their products with y’all so you may consider them for your holiday gift list!


For the Win Inc.

For the Win Inc.

If you dig patches, pop culture, horror films & mythological creatures, check out For the Win Inc. ($1.99-$4.99)

TX Stitch

TX Stitch

Check out these sweet embroidery patches & patterns from Kerissa at TX Stitch. ($1.25-$6)



Jennifer over at JenniferHeartsArt makes an array of pop culture and feminist jewelry and artwork. ($4-$600)

Into Dust: The Thunderbird Chronicles

Into Dust: The Thunderbird Chronicles

For the young adults (or adults) in your life, check out this young adult novel by Amy Quick (more…)

Pop Culture

The Most Fantastical Doctor Who-Themed Baby Room

I’m a Doctor Who fan.

And when I say I’m a Doctor Who fan, I mean I’ve only watched Doctor Who 2005 and on. (That didn’t stop me from dressing as the Fourth Doctor for Halloween.)

doctor who halloween costume

Bf=Eleventh Doctor; me= Fourth Doctor

My love for Doctor Who is what made me FREAK THE F OUT when I saw that my friend Jacqueline made her baby’s room all Doctor-themed.

I asked her a few questions about how she decorated the room, where she got the decor and what inspired her to do it.

P.S. Since I interviewed her, Jacqueline gave birth to a happy, healthy baby girl named Gwendolyn.

What inspired you to create a Doctor Who room? 

JacquelineMy husband and I got into the show a bit over 4 years ago and while he really likes the show, it kind of became an obsession of mine. When we talked about a nursery, it was easily agreed upon that it needed to be Doctor Who themed. The show is perfect for all ages (well, maybe a (more…)