Hipstercrite Life

We’re Excited to Announce an Addition to the Family!


My little feral buddy Fatface. After three years of knowing him, he finally lets me scratch his back. And yes, that is food all over his face. #catsofinstagram

Sorry, Mom. This womb is currently barren.


I’ve officially become Adult With Cat. (I’ve never had a cat before; I’ve always been a dog gal.)

But she’s not any ol’ cat.

Let me share with you the story of how FatFace and I found each other.

This is FatFace:

She’s a feral and has lived on our block for at least five years.

She was part of a feral colony my neighbor took care of, and which I’ve subsequently taken over after my neighbor moved across town.

I enjoy our cat colony, which totals between 10-12 mostly black or Russian blue cats, but let me tell you something about taking care of cat colonies: Don’t publicly share that info at parties. One time I was at a networking event and met a handful of interesting people and had to stop this sentence from coming out of my mouth: “Oh, man. I have to get going! My cat colony is going to be piiiiised if I don’t get home soon for feed time.”

(Side note: Though I now do the feeding, my former neighbor still currently traps and fixes any cats-with-sexy-parts that enter the colony. She does this through the Humane Society’s kick-ass Trap-Neuter-Return Program.)

This little guy is Fatface. He's a feral #cat who has lived in our neighborhood for a few years. I'm taking over feeding him from our neighbor, and he's warmed up to us. He waits outside our door day and night for food, and meows with a gravelly squeak. He's now interested in coming into the house, but sometimes he's hesitant. Tonight we sat and stared at each other in the doorway.

FatFace before she started coming into our house.

FatFace was one of the oldest cats in the colony, and like most of the other ferals, she was terrified of us. However, we took a shine to her because of her tiny stature (we’d later learn she weighed under 5 pounds), and her expressive “fat” face. When I acquired the colony, I discovered that FatFace has only three teeth, so I began feeding her soft food.

Over the course of a year, FatFace went from eating soft food we left out, to letting us get very close to her, to letting us touch her, to letting us brush her, to letting us pet her. Now I’m happy to say she lives in our house and enjoys sleeping on my butt and sniffing my armpits. She also enjoys curling up like a tiny donut.

Tiny donut.

Here are some other fun fact about FatFace:
-She’s between 5-10 years old.
-We called her “he” for five years until I asked my vet to check out her netherparts.
-She also likes to sleep on my chest and stare at me from about two-to-three inches from my face.
-She does not like to be picked up; she makes this pathetic “muu-annn” sound when you do it.
-She doesn’t like fancy-ass soft food; she likes good-ol’ mystery meat from Friskies.
-We’ve managed to put one pound on her; she now weighs over five pounds.
-My bf thinks she is part dwarf cat.
-She has mouth herpes.
-She loves when you push on her nose really hard. She gets so into it that she might bite your face.
-She doesn’t mind if you scratch her stomach–but not the feet.
-She’s a very affectionate, chill cat. Even when she’s ready to party at 3AM or eat at 7AM, she just stares at us or head bunts us.
-She’s very much loved by us.

If you’d like to follow the #LifeofFatFace, let’s hook up on Instagram!











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  • Reply Kelly Ann June 6, 2016 at 4:13 pm

    I LOVE that ear! It gives her such character!

  • Reply Steph. June 6, 2016 at 9:56 pm

    Awh. Stories like this totally give me the warm fuzzies. It’s always nice to know that every fuzzbutt out there has someone who will love them. She is such an awesome looking cat. Lots of character, and so cute!

    Thanks for carrying on the good work your neighbor started!

  • Reply Linda Lehmusvirta July 11, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Congratulations on your new fur baby and for being a super good person! I’ve never tended a feral colony, but we’ve rescued many ferals, had them fixed,and generally kept them. Some we adopted out to good homes. Our latest arrival (about the time of FatFace) did come from a colony up the street a neighbor has tended. Sally decided it was time for security and “health insurance.” Thank heavens, she doesn’t have feline leukemia: many of the colony do. She gets her booster this weekend. She’s got the clipped ear, too, since the neighbor had her spayed and chipped at the shelter (hence how we got her history by “tracking down” the neighbor via chip). She hasn’t agreed to be totally indoors but does sleep in at night. Working on it!

  • Reply Jennifer July 23, 2016 at 3:05 pm

    Omg I love this cat so cute! I’m a cat person too.
    They def make you fall in love with them.
    I have a rescue from a shelter who was sick and 1 lb and we have slowy nursed him back to health , but he was sweet from day one and I knew he was so special and needed us and we needed him.
    I was just wondering more about your baby bc my mom has a feral cat she feeds am and pm for like five years and would love to be able to do more with him but is nervous to get too close etc and also we have had trouble finding a vet that would come out to help and vaccinate etc.
    I saw in an article I think on fb you said you had him neutered etc.
    I’m just wondering how you were able to do all this safely? Thank you for info you can give.

  • Reply Todd August 14, 2016 at 4:59 am

    Still another example of why cats are better than dogs.

  • Reply Want to adopt a furry friend? Let Zappos pay your adoption fee. January 25, 2017 at 3:40 pm

    […] some of you know, I love me some animals. This year I took in a feral kitty, FatFace, and she has absolutely changed my life. Like, I’m a total nutjob who has created a friggin’ […]

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