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Project Repatriation


Project Repat: A T-shirt Revolution

Did you know that 95% of your old t-shirts donated to Goodwill or the Salvation Army are shipped to Africa?

Yeah, neither did I.

Just think- tons and tons of our old high school glee club t-shirts or co-ed league shirts are sold pennies to the pound and shipped to developing countries where they’re sold in markets.

This is exactly what Project Repat founders Ross Lohr and Sean Hewens thought about. Launched in January of 2011, Project Repat travels to these markets, handpicks t-shirt gems and brings them back to America where they’re sold with 100% proceeds going towards non-profits in the developing world. Project Repat is already on the up and up with features in Good Magazine, Urban Outfitters, Thrillist and Fox News- to name a few.

So why Project Repat? Well, for one, buying t-shirts in developing countries helps to support their economy. Secondly, as mentioned above, 100% of proceeds goes towards charity. Thirdly, think about how many awesome hipster t-shirts are floating (more…)