Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to the taco stand for the third day in a row…
It’s Friday and it’s raining in Austin! What a marvelous day! Mama Jewess is coming into town this weekend (before we embark on our trip to Portland), I’m mostly moved in to my new place, and I’m trying to think of ways to avoid talking to the guy I last dated who will be walking into my office in 80 minutes. I was going to run an “errand” while he is here and put Mannequin Baby or Glenda in my place. Any suggestions would be nice.

Today I posted my first post on East Austinite.
East Austin is the South’s version of LES. Except instead of punks and graffiti artists, it’s men who love their bikes more than women and women who love American Apparel more than men. Wait, I guess that could qualify as LES too. Well, you won’t see a bunch of dudes with beards playing techno-folk on a front porch in New York, will you?
Anyways, I’m really excited about joining the East Austinite team. Their blog is the best place to follow the East Austin scene.
BTW- Check out this cool map of the East Side from Progress Coffee.
Also, I won Cinema Obsessed’s “Guess Who” this week. The two lovelies running the site are movie geeks after my own heart. They have THE BEST taste and are always on top of the latest movie news and gossip. It’s a great source to get all your movie news.
My prize for winning? A post of my favorite scene from my favorite movie…
(I’ll give you a hint, before the movie came out, the character in the movie was a popular sketch show on the Sunset Strip)
And how I’ve managed to get so caught up in my day that I only brief thought about September 11th, 2001 this morning, is beyond me. I need to get my head out of my ass.
Seriously, if you can't use Mannequin Baby or Glenda to scare off an ex, what can you use them for?
And I still think those things come alive at night.
You really know how to brighten up my day. Seriously! The key to photography is light!! I love it!! Hope you're doing well. Tell me more about this East Austinite thing, it's great!
Cin-Ob Supreme! WHAT WHAT! Give it up for Hipstercrite, our new movie bestie!
Soo… If I follow this blog, its not going to be all like ironic and full of obscurities is it? I did notice you have 80 followers and I don't wanna tip the hip scale to much. You know when I jump on a band wagon everyone seems to have already jumped off. Enh what hell…
Whoa. I just checked out your manniquin baby post, and I definitely thought it was a real baby for a second (even though you CALLED it a mannequin, duh) but then I was like, why's that kid so WHITE?
Never ventured far from 6th Street last time I was in Austin so this map has been saved to my hard drive for future reference. Awesome.