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Austin, Fashion/Design

Even in Death, Cronkite Wows Your Pants Off: Ben Rubin’s Art Installation “And That’s the Way It Is”

Compared to cities like New York and Chicago, Austin is not known for its public art pieces.

Not only are there few pieces to gawk at, but their rating on the scale of epicness falls a little short. Stand out pieces include a bunch of blue solar panel flowers on the side of I-35 to make a freeway big box exit look less uninviting (not sure they succeeded), a foreboding statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn that looks like he wants to eat your young and street art by Daniel Johnston made famous by Kurt Cobain. I’ve also spotted a giant metal spider in a planned community, some Shepard Fairey pieces and yarn bombing around town, but it terms of big! and abstract!, there is little to see.

That is why when I walked through the campus of University of Texas last week I nearly fell backwards upon seeing, “And That’s the Way It Is”,  Ben Rubin’s Walter Cronkite-inspired installation art projected on the college’s Radio-Television-Film building. If you live in Austin and haven’t seen this phenomenal (more…)


Using Social Media for Hate

Yesterday, the president of the University of Texas College Republicans, Lauren Pierce, tweeted in response to the shooting at the White House, “Y’all as tempting as it may be, don’t shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we’ve EVER had!” #2012″.


Obviously that shit didn’t fly well with the majority of Americans- Democratic or Republican- and Pierce was not only attacked with a barrage of hate tweets on Twitter but the story was picked up by ABC, Huffingtonpost etc.

I was fascinated by this story. Here was this young lady who has a position of power at a reputable university saying such ignorant crap. Her Twitter photo showed that of a bleached blonde with her boobs shoved together and a big toothy smile. Her Twitter profile said she believes in American Exceptionalism. She is a young Ann Coulter. A hate machine, not even thinking about the consequences of running their mouth. I don’t particularly care for her. I don’t like what she said and (more…)